Blog Devotionals

Sunday Will Be Special

September 12, 2022 | Sam Rainer

I hope these weekly devotionals have been helpful to you this year. This week, we’re doing something different. I believe Sunday has the potential to be incredibly impactful for our church. So rather than spoil the surprise now, I will encourage you to attend on Sunday. The focus will be on how every life is valuable in the eyes of God.

The most inspiring stories are the ones that take us through hardship and to the other side. You will hear such a story on Sunday.

We will pick up our regularly scheduled devotionals next week. For this week, I encourage you to read Revelation 12:1-5. On the surface, it’s a passage about a woman and a dragon. As is often the case in Revelation, the imagery is vivid. But the symbolism is obvious here. Satan tried to stop the birth of Jesus, but he couldn’t. Jesus was born, and redemption was made possible. The birth of a baby stopped death’s encroachment.

The concept of life is core to our beliefs—it’s a promise of God! How? God promised redemption when He promised a baby. A baby has freed us.

Why do we care about the life of every child? The reason is simple. The Savior of the world was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was no less God while He was in Mary’s womb. We value life because our Creator saw it fit to come not only as a baby born but as one conceived.

Sunday will be special.

We’ll see you at church.